1995 San Diego Environmental Achievement Award Winners
hose who doubt that environmentalism is good business
should consider the winners of San Diego Earth Day's 1995 Environmental
Achievement and Restoration That Helps (EARTH) Awards.
The winners range from Be Wise Ranch, a community supported
organic farm, to SGS-Thomson Microelectronics whose San Diego semiconductor
facility was ranked number one in environmental management by the European
Community. Other winners include BCD International, the manufacturer of
the only household cleaner to have received a Green Seal certification;
Elan Organic Coffees, an organic coffee importer; Found Stuff Paper Works,
the maker of the "greenest" paper in America; and Lynn Froeschle,
AIA, an architect.
These companies prove that striving to be on the cutting
edge environmentally is a powerful impetus for creating innovative products,
processes and jobs and also contribute greatly to improving morale.
The judges included San Diego Mayor Susan Golding; Jim
Bell, an ecological consultant; Carolyn Chase, an Earth Day board member;
and Bill Harris, a recycling specialist with the City of San Diego. The
competition among the thirty-seven nominated companies was close. Due to
the quality of the nominations, the judges recognized ten additional companies
for their "notable achievements."
San Diego Earth Day presented these awards at its fifth
annual Very Important Planet (VIP) Reception, held on April 20th at the
Scripps Aquarium-Museum. The VIP Reception provides a forum for informal
dialogue between the region's business, community and environmental leaders.
EARTH Award Winners
- BCD International
- Carlsbad - BCD International is the maker of BCD Ultra, the first
and only multi-purpose cleaner to be certified by both Scientific Certifications
Systems and Green Seal. BCD Ultra received these certifications because
of its remarkably high rate of biodegradation, its unique "stand up"
pouches which use 70% less packaging than conventional bottles, and its
ultra-concentrated formula which requires less energy to ship.
- Be Wise Ranch
- San DIego - Only two years ago at the EarthFair in Balboa Park, Be
Wise Ranch started as San Diego County's first venture in Community Supported
Agriculture. Now it provides organically grown fruits and vegetables to
the tables of 350 local families using innovative organic farming techniques,
- Elan Organic Coffees, Inc.
- San DIego - Elan Organic Coffee is more than a coffee importer: it
is a promoter of sustainable, organic farming and an organizer and educator
of farmers throughout Central and South America. In addition, Elan supports
a number of initiatives to improve the lives of its farmer-suppliers and
their communities.
- Found Stuff Paper Works
- San Diego - Found Stuff Paper Works makes what may be the "greenest"
paper in America. This unbleached, acid-free, archival-grade paper is made
entirely from 100% recycled organic cotton scraps, a sustainable, tree-free
resource. Since August 1,1994, Found Stuff's family-run, hydro-powered,
micro paper mill has recycled 25,000 pounds of organic cotton scraps into
high quality paper.
- Lynn Froeschle, AIA, Architects
- San Diego - Lynn Froeschle is a creator of innovative, environmentally
intelligent structures and facilities. Her work on the Indweller Resource
Recovery Park and the Ridgehaven Court "Green Demonstration" Project
amply demonstrate these skills as well as her leadership in promoting the
incorporation of environmental principles into the spaces in which we live,
work, and play.
- SGS-Thomson Microelectronics, Inc.
- San Diego - The European Community in its "Eco Management and
Audit Scheme" ranked SGS-Thomson first among facilities reviewed. In
1992, SGS-Thomson started its waste reduction and recycling program and
since then has kept 176,000 pounds of solid waste out of landfills, in part
through doubling its recycling rate. SGS-Thomson has an aggressive written
list of environmental goals covering all emmissions and resources.
Notable Achievement Certificates
- AT&T Global Information Solutions
- San Diego - In 1994, AT&T established Corporate Environmental
Recycling Goals for recycling a variety of wastes from its facilities, including
the goal of recycling 60% of its waste paper. By the end of the year, AT&T's
Global Information Division in San Diego had recycled 628,000 pounds of
its waste. AT&T's Global Information Solutions is off to a strong start
in helping AT&T to meet its self-proclaimed goal of being "the
number one 'green' company in the world."
- American Formulating & Manufacturing (AFM)
- San Diego - American Formulating and Manufacturing makes the world's
only full-line of chemically responsible building and maintenance products,
including toxic-free sealants, paints, stains, cleaners, a carpet care system,
and other products. These products have directly addressed the problem of
"sick buildings" thereby improving the health of countless individuals
throughout the country.
- Bazaar Del Mundo, Inc.
- San Diego - Bazaar Del Mundo's dedication to recycling saves 200 tons
of material from landfills every year. For its efforts, the Bazaar has also
received a Wrap Award from the Integrated Waste Management Board and a Recycling
Achievement Award from the City of San Diego.
- Escondido Disposal, Inc.
- Escondido - Escondido Disposal is in the business of hauling solid
waste, but it's also dedicated to recycling. In 1993, it instituted a comprehensive
office recycling program which received a Waste Reduction Awards Program
award from the Integrated Waste Management Board.
- Gold Mine Natural Food Co.,
- San Diego - Gold Mine Natural Food Company is a mail order retailer
of sustainably-grown, organic produce as well as a leader in finding creative
ways to minimize packaging. In order to ship its produce, Gold Mine salvages
tons of cardboard boxes and other shipping materials from other businesses.
For these efforts, Gold Mine was awarded a WRAP Award in 1994 by the Integrated
Waste Management Board.
- Gridcore Systems Int'l Corp.
- Carlsbad - Gridcore Systems manufactures honeycombed building panels
that are strong, lightweight, and non-toxic from a variety of recycled resources
including cardboard, newsprint, urban wood waste, and even agricultural
fibers. These panels not only use recycled resources, but their unique design
results in a highly efficient use.
- Lockheed Martin, Satellite Launch Vehicle Division,
- San Diego - Lockheed Martin "launched" its recycling program
in 1990 and since then has been steadily adding up its recycling totals
as well as it recycling awards. Among other items recycled by Lockheed Martin,
are over two million pounds of paper and two million pounds of asphalt to
date. They support a semi-annual waste-audit and analysis and their program
has saved 3,412 cubic yards of landfill space, 17,574 trees and 10,752,553
kilowatt hours of energy.
- Plaza Camino Real
- Carlsbad - On Earth Day, 1993, the Plaza Camino Real kicked off its
recycling program. Now, the Plaza recycles 51% of its waste and is working
to recycle its plastic waste as well which would reduce its waste by a total
of 79%. For its efforts, the Plaza was awarded the International Council
of Shopping Centers coveted MAXI award for 1994.
- Solar Turbines, Inc.
- San Diego - In 1990, Solar Turbines committed to reduce its production-related
hazardous wastes by 50% within five years. By mid-1994, a half a year ahead
of schedule, Solar had reduced this hazardous waste output by 59% even with
significantly increased production. In addition, Solar has reduced its emissions
from its metal spray operations by 99%; stopped using ozone-damaging 1,1,1-trichloroethane;
cut its coolant purchases by over 50%; reduced its use of water by 73%;
and is presently recycling 42% of its solid waste. To round out its activities,
Solar also operates a fleet of natural gas vehicles and participates in
the EPA's Green Lights Program.
- U.S. Navy Fleet and Industrial Supply Center
- San Diego - Through its hazardous material reduction and reuse programs,
the Navy's San Diego facilities have eliminated 860,191 pounds and 163,615
gallons of hazardous waste from its waste stream as well as instituted tight
controls on the use, collection, and disposal of hazardous waste in its