Restoring nature ... restoring hope
San Diego Earth Day's community renewal & restoration project ...
wants YOU!
by Kari Gray
re you looking for a way to Think Globally... while
Acting Locally? Well, San Diego Earth Day invites you to join Surfrider
Foundation, the Californian Native Plant Society, I Love a Clean San Diego
County, National Coalition for Graffiti Removal, Project Clean, the National
Forest Service and 91X radio station in one of its most exciting projects.
This November, SDED will be coordinating community efforts
to clean up five sites in San Diego and restore them to a healthy, sustainable
condition. The Restoration Project will educate hundreds of San Diego area
volunteers on key regional conservation topics and enable them to take action
for a clean, healthy and prosperous future.
Each site chosen has special needs. Invasive and non-native
plant species will be removed. Volunteers restoring the coastal and riparian
sites will be trained in water testing. Those at the urban site will plant
a community organic garden. Volunteers with the Restoration Project will
also be trained and supported in the on-going maintenance of the sites.
So how can you get involved?
Right now, we need a few dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers
to be Project Site Coordinators. Each coordinator will research the specific
needs of one site and coordinate the cleanup activities there. They must
be available for some of the training sessions for their sites in October
and November, and will be at the site on the actual restoration day. Site
coordinators will also help volunteers maintain the sites year-round, by
coordinating additional clean-ups and monitoring the plantings.
In November, we will need many, many more volunteers
to help with the actual restoration activities. These day-long cleanup and
restoration assignments will provide the basis for ongoing maintenance of
the sites.
If you wish to volunteer, or just want more information,
please contact Julaine Chattaway at 225-8040.