From the Publishers
What's growing on?
by Carolyn Chase
n selecting what will be featured in ET every month,
I am always present to abundance. There is never a lack of ideas, examples
and advice on how to contribute to a better and more sustainable world.
The three key things on my mind this month are: sustainability, politics
and food.
- Item 1: please patronize our advertisers. Sustainability begins at
home, and if ET is to prosper, the economy of this newspaper needs your
support. I'm not talking about increasing your consumption - just choosing
to consume in more environmentally sustainable ways. As someone once observed,
if we don't change our course, we shall surely end up where we're headed!
If we don't support environmentally-oriented businesses, environmental values
will not be successfully translated into economic terms. Along those lines,
ET is seeking an additional salesperson. They must be an enthusiastic networker,
committed to the environment and business, and thrive in a dynamic small-business
culture. Please call us or send in your resume if this excites you.
- Item 2: politics. Elected representatives and candidates need to know
that there is an constituency for the environment. As we move along in the
national election cycle, there will be more and more opportunities to let
politicians know that you expect them to protect environmental and public
health, and the economy. Please communicate with your elected representatives
and call them regarding the importance of environmental issues.
- Item 3: food. In observance of national "Organic Harvest Month,"
much of this issue is dedicated to one of the few truly universal areas
for people: food, and more specifically, how our food is grown.
Everyone's daily food choices translate directly into
environmental, health and economic impacts that are felt around the globe
and in our food-cycle infrastructures including farmers, distributors, and
processors. If one is looking for one single area to focus on where their
daily choices can translate into making a difference, you need look no further
than your own mouth, kitchen, or backyard/balcony garden.
The satisfaction that comes with consuming organic products
and growing and eating even part of your own food is something that everyone
can experience. This year, I managed to nurture incredible tomatoes and
artichokes. My weekly collection of organic fruits and veggies from the
Be Wise Ranch is a steady source of delight. These aspects of my relation
with the food chain directly connects me to the sources of my sustenance
and the processes of nature. It's hard to describe exactly how it feels,
but everyone should try it. Really!
We are pleased to announce that a big supporter of ET
is promoting sustainable local food and growing habits by taking to the
radio airwaves with "The Organic Gardening Hour." Each Sunday
morning beginning September 10, from 9AM - 10 AM, all-talk KCEO AM1000 will
debut what is billed as "the national's most controversial gardening
show." The show promises to cultivate controversy while worming it's
way into your hearts!
The show's host Richard Allan is on a mission from "Mother
Nature" to get the growing public to throw away their false "miracles
in a box" and return to low-tech, healthy and productive organic gardening,
landscaping and farming. "For the first five billion years of our blessed
earth's existence, there wasn't a box of 'Miracle Grow' on the shelves and
the plants did pretty well." Allan explains. "After World War
II, the Acme Bomb Factory converted to the Acme Fertilizer Company and,
with clever Madison Avenue hype, sold the farmer on the concept that they
indeed had a miracle in a box, bag and freight car." The only thing
they didn't know or tell was that the miracle has some catches: overuse
and blind dependence will sterilize the soil by killing essential bacteria,
the natural flora and the worms, leaving the grower with an unhealthy chemical-dependence.
But this cycle can be broken.
KCEO's Organic Gardening Hour promises to address the
wellness of our plants, food systems, and natural immune processes - not
simply what chemicals to use to solve short term problems. Along with other
organic experts, Allan will offer positive and practical solutions to many
of gardener's most common problems. In addition he plans to debunk "the
sacred cows of the gardening industry."
Host Allan is the founder and CEO of San Diego-based
American Kelp Corporation, "the world's largest producer of horticultural
and saponin products." AK advocates the elimination of all chemical
additives and a return to healthy soil with the help of natural bio-stimulates
and lots of "happy" worms. For more info see their ad on page
Remember: everyone can do something. And it is important that you do.