Table of Contents

Cover Image: Butterfly, photo by Carolyn Chase


What's growing on?

Special Feature: Organic Harvest Month

Down on the farm: San Diego agriculture
Our eating practices and food growing practices have important ecological and economic impacts.

Local organic foods markets: healthy and growing
Nationally and locally, people are putting their money where their mouths are, and feeling better for it.

Organic farmers: businesspeople working the land
In these interviews, two local organic farmers discuss the challenges and opportunities they face.


The Gift Economy
While the exchange economy may have been appropriate for the industrial age, the "gift economy" is appropriate as we enter the information age.

Local Ecology

San Diego water wars: temporary truce or lasting peace?
Ongoing lawsuits involving sewage treatment plants move forward

Cleveland National Forest protector wins award

San Diego Earth Day

Calling all volunteers: help make a better San Diego!
Volunteers are invited to do their part for worthy hands-on restoration projects.

Join the drive to save the coast
Coastal Cleanup Day is September 23rd!

Observations from the Edge

"I" is for Isolation
While last month's ET outlined a possible Christian relationship of stewardship with the environment, our resident eco-radical complains that if the past record is any clue, there is a lot more work to do.