Happiness is Organic!
Please join in saying, "I'm a Friend of the Farm!"
by Leslie Goldman
"HAPPINESS IS ORGANIC!" is an Enchanted Garden Club
project that began in 1995. Our first act was to grow some of our own food.
Growing food teaches us how things grow on earth and connects us to this
life-growing process. Growing food waters, soothes, and revitalizes our
nature. As we enter "Plant Parenthood," through growing even one
lettuce, we can discover new joy and see our dreams grow.
We hope that this will start a new trend. By the year
2000, organic seeds and the resurgence of locally grown, high quality, mom
and pop organic farming will become so popular that the U.S. Postal Service,
which gives away candy mints as people-pleasers, can give away seeds instead.
Let's start this trend today!
Secondly, we get to know the farmer who is growing the
rest of our food. In San Diego and Santa Monica, I've gotten to know the
Rodriguez family: Joe Jr. and wife Alma, Sylvia and husband Gilberto, Carlos,
Willie, Frances, Irma, Joe Sr., Christina, Pancho, Meni - everyone else,
all the workers. This family epitomizes working together, care for each
other, and care for the people they serve.
I spent Christmas day with the Rodriguez's. Grandma,
grandpa, three adult brothers and sisters -all married, with lots of children.
Joe Jr. picked fresh carrots from the field. My house mate Ricardo, a member
of our Enchanted Garden Intentional Community, juiced them. I led a toast,
thanking the family in behalf of our city. Grandma Christina hugged me and
served homemade tamales.
There is definitely love in this food, in this family,
and concern for the future of our farmland and the earth. Organic food grown
by the Rodriguez family provides our community with ingredients for good
growth, and nutrients that can bring the best out of people! Choose their
red label and purchase flowers from Rodriguez Ranch! It's time we all say,
"I'm a friend of the farm!"
The Rodriguez family participates in many farmers' markets in San Diego
County, and one in Santa Monica (26th and Pico, 8am - 1pm, Sat). Their organic
food, marked with a red twist label that says, "J.R. ORGANICS ORGANICALLY
GROWN," is carried in local stores, including Jimbo's Naturally, Casady's,
and O.B. People's Food. Their organic foods belong in lots more stores!
Their organic vegetables and greens are fresh picked just hours before they
reach the marketplace. Herbs, grown by Scott Murray, are filled with vibrant
Grandpa Joe is concerned about advising the next generation
to continue farming. Costs keep going up, but not the profits. We - you
and I - are the solution. All the investment of time, energy, and good faith
does not come home until we reach for a head of lettuce.
Happiness Is Organic/ Friends Of The Farm! is a project of the Enchanted
Garden Club, 6008 Arosa St., San Diego, CA 92115, (619) 582-9669. Contributions
are welcome!