8th Annual Beach Cleanup Day on September 21
provided by I Love A Clean San Diego County, Inc.
olunteers at more than 25 locations can become involved
in a day-long event of environmental education and hand-on participation
by scouring our beaches to pick up trash, from the border to Oceanside.
Participants will receive a voucher to visit Sea World for only $10 on any
one day from September 21 - 29 with 50 percent of the proceeds going directly
to I Love a Clean San Diego County, Inc.
The beach is a home to a great diversity of plants and
animals. Items like six-pack rings, straws, and fishing line entangle and
kill sea birds, fish and mammals. People injure themselves on broken bottles
and a variety of sharp objects left or washed up on the beach. Human pollution,
plastics and oil harm or kill near-shore organisms.
Come out for a day of good work in the sun, meet other
active, committed San Diegans, and help continue our tradition of caring
for the environment. To register or for more info call ILCSD at 467-0103.