Guitarist Stanley Jordan featured at Fall Health Classic
edicated to the improvement of personal health and that
of the planet, the "Fall Health Classic" consists of more than
one-hundred nutrition, fitness, exercise, massage, lifestyle, cooking, men's
and women's health workshops and classes being presented November 1 - 5
at the Carmel Highlands Doubletree Resort. Subject matters covered will
include: preventative health, general well-being, cancer, AIDS, and heart
disease prevention and recovery. For more event info call (805) 969-0444.
Internationally acclaimed jazz guitarist and virtuoso
musician, Stanley Jordan, will be performing two concerts on Saturday night,
November 4. He will also be teaching a music workshop, "Music and Healing"
as part of the Fall Health Classic. ET recently had the chance to speak
with Mr. Jordan.
ET: How do you first hear about the Fall Health Classic?
SJ: My girlfriend Beverly is very much a health enthusiast. The idea
came up since I am very interested in health, especially from an alternative
perspective, and how to incorporate that with my music into some type of
presentation that empowers people.
ET: I understand this is the first time you've integrated concerts
with a portion to benefit a local group, in this case San Diego Earth Day.
How did you first hear about Earth Day and what is your interest in environmental
SJ: In the time and place where I grew up, Palo Alto, CA, there was
a lot of environmental consciousness. I have a lot of memories of people
talking about the importance of saving the environment. When I was 12 years
old, I volunteered for a recycling center. It was really fun and it felt
really good that I was doing something.
ET: You are leading a workshop: Music and Healing for the general
public, tell me a bit about that.
SJ: There are a lot of things I want to say, but it won't be just
a talk. As much as possible, I want people to get a first hand experience
of what I feel are the healing properties of music. It's not a medical thing
and it's not that I'm going to heal people. But I feel that music has an
incredible energy and I want to help people experience that. But it's not
as simple as put on a CD and feel better, because there are ways to listen
and participate that enhance the process or detract from it.
My first experience with that was when I was a teenager
in high school and I had come down with the flu. I had scheduled a jam session
with a key-boardist and we were going to spend the whole day playing music.
First I thought I should cancel, but then I decided to try it anyway. We
must have played on and off for about 6 hours. After that I felt so much
better and that my flu was moving toward being healed. I was well the following
day. The music was like a cleansing. Playing the music, I was clearing out
that flu energy. It was a kind of detoxification.
ET: Is there anything else you'd like people to know about you?
SJ: About the concert. We are also making healthy food available.
One of the things I'm hoping will happen is that people will come because
they know me and my music and then they'll be exposed to this other aspect
of me and maybe it will make a difference for them.
In the last three years, I've gone pretty much completely
vegetarian. I really made a commitment to eliminate toxins and to move toward
superfoods and really healthy stuff for people. I just feel great and it's
really helped my music. The more I've learned about nutrition the more it's
meant for my music.
I've been playing around with an idea: music and food
music production vs. food production and how we can all experience healthier
feedback systems.
On the musical side, when I compose a song, it will
be full of my own habits at first. But if I really listen to the music,
I'll come up with something better for the listener and my musical skills.
When you think about it, the whole art of food combining
is like musical composition in a way. Certain things go together, and others
don't work so well. In both cases, there is an element of, not just on a
physical level, but how you enjoy the foods is important as well. On a fundamental
level, a piece of baroque music might have more healing capability than
rock and roll, but if you are more tuned into rock and roll that could become
healing for you. My goal is to share some of my experiences of both musical
and health-healing expression available with music, and how I've pursued
that with food as well - `two very universal experiences available for everyone.