by Dibya Sarkar, edited and reprinted from The ZPG Reporter, Sept/Oct 1996.
he 1994 elections saw a strong shift with both houses
of Congress dominated by reactionary forces. The outcome of this November's
Presidential and Congressional races will help determine the nation's political
direction into the 21st Century. All 435 seats in the US House of Representatives
and one-third in the US Senate are up for re-election, together with scores
of state and local offices.
In the name of making government more efficient
and lessening the burden of regulations on states and individuals, the 104th
Congress has brandished numerous bills to weaken environmental protections
and cut funding for federal agencies. The detrimental impacts on human health
and threats to natural resources and endangered species have been largely
A 30 percent cutback of the Environmental Protection
Agency's budget last October impaired the agency's ability to enforce regulations,
conduct research and investigate cases of degradation. Funding cuts to the
Department of the Interior proposed by the House of Representatives, but
not yet passed by the Senate, would compromise the protection of wetlands,
parks and national forests. And a pending appropriations bill aims to eliminate
funding to improve energy efficiency.
Numerous bills have been proposed, and in some
cases passed, that benefit oil, timber, mining, chemical and agricultural
interests, for example by exempting industries from pollution standards
and allowing resource extraction in fragile ecosystems.
Opposition from pro-environmental forces have
stalled the legislative process in some areas. Landmark legislation, such
as the Clean Air, Clean Water, and the Safe Drinking Water Acts, have fortunately
been upheld, though sometimes by a narrow margin.
In the rush to pass legislation during the
remaining weeks before the election, the fate of environmental protections
has remained unsure.
Supporters of population-related policies have
faced severe setbacks, at the same time that Americans have become aware
of the connections among reproductive health, environmental stability and
quality of life. "With the US population surpassing 265 million, the
need to provide family planning, ensure reproductive rights and protect
the environment has never been greater," says Peter Kostmayer, executive
director of Zero Population Growth. "If the next Congress continues
trends set by their predecessors, the results could be disastrous."
For the past several years, the radical right
movement has wielded a powerful influence over lawmakers. Organizations
such as the Christian Coalition and the Family Research Council have launched
scathing attacks against advocates of family planning and reproductive rights,
while providing political and financial backing to proponents of their own
The inauguration of the 104th Congress in January
1995 promised fulfillment of the "Contract with America," a political
agenda influenced by the radical right. The "Contract" espouses
a return to traditional "family values" as well as the limitation
of the role of government in people's day-to-day lives. In reality, it abrogates
individual freedom and threatens the health and well-being of families.
In the "Contract," environmental
regulations, sexuality education and reproductive health services were targeted
for decimation. While legislators failed to push through several of their
goals, they have managed to severely cut family planning programs and to
restrict abortion services. Congress recently reduced funding for international
family planning programs by 87 percent. The reproductive rights of women
in the United States have also been compromised. Abortion services are no
longer covered in the health plans of federal employees, permitted on military
bases overseas, or available to federal prison inmates (except in cases
of rape or incest).
Many environmental organizations have assailed
the current Congress, declaring it has done more damage to environmental
protection than any prior Congress. Public opinion polls also express serious
disappointment with the anti-environmental agenda. A 1995 Newsweek poll
found that nearly three-quarters of respondents would be "very"
or "somewhat" upset if environmental regulations were weakened
or eliminated. And a 1994 national survey conducted by the Pew Global Stewardship
Initiative found that 64 percent of American voters believe the United States
should be involved in slowing global population growth. The same poll found
that nearly 60 percent endorse US-sponsored voluntary family planning programs
and 72 percent supported a women's right to choose abortion. But these numbers
are not being represented.
With the US population growing by nearly 3
million people every year, changes will have to occur on a variety of levels.
Individuals need to make sound choices regarding consumption and reproduction.
Businesses can benefit from looking beyond immediate profit and towards
sustainability. And the members of the next presidential administration
and the 105th Congress will have a responsibility to consider the long-range
interests of all sectors of society.
It's not just the economy, anymore. As candidates
make their way down campaign trails nationwide, they confront prospective
voters with a wide range of concerns. Much of the electorate is angry and
disappointed with the actions - and inactions - of its government representatives,
and skeptical of their ability to improve economic and social conditions.
The continuation of this onslaught in the future
will depend in large part on the make-up and actions of the l05th Congress.
"It's clear that unless Americans choose leaders who aim to secure
environmental quality and reproductive rights, the lives of our children
will most certainly deteriorate," says Kostmayer. "The next election
offers an opportunity to guarantee that does not happen."
Zero Population Growth is a national nonprofit membership organization working to slow population growth and achieve a sustainable balance between the Earth's people and its resources. 1400 Sixteenth St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 332-2200,