Table of Contents
- Political legacy
Politics & Activism
- Election '96: at stake for people and the planet
- The past election of the 104th Congress turned out to be a disaster
for our environmental safeguards although this was not what the voters
really wanted. Will we do better in the 105th?
Local growth measures on the November ballot
- With so much of environmental regulation telling developers NO,
it's satisfying to have a YES for a group that is working within the spirit
of responsible development. And, a couple of NOs for the other guys, too.
Toxisc & Pollution
- U.S. EPA finalizes approval of California's
clean air plans
- With the worst air quality in the nation, California gets the green
light for new programs that should help us all breathe a little easier.
- Polluters whine as state gets serious about
air pollution
- You would think that getting the nastiest, smog-belching vehicles
off our streets and highways would be a good thing. But not if you listen
to the local media.
- Repairing a legacy of pollution by Kelco
- It took the U.S. EPA and Department of Justice to bring this long-term
air polluter to heel. Benefits to air quality will be substantial.
Camp Pendleton clean-up restoring site on national
priorities list
Habitat Preservation
- Over 800 acres added to permanent preserve
- State, federal and county governments cooperate in Otay aquisition.
- Creating jobs in a sustainable world
- Environmental regulation as a stimulus to new job opportunities.
- The Good City and the Good Life: Renewing the
sense of community
- In an increasingly depersonalized global economy, a little local dependence
can be a good thing.
- All about Environmental Impact Reports &
the California Environmental Quality Act
- Recycling paper ... and recycled paper
- Green Seal publishes report on
"green" copy papers
Observations from the edge
- "V" is for Vote
- Our resident eco-radical on voting, political parties and the electoral
San Diego Earth Day
Need a little R&R? ... well, so does our
local environment