Not voting simply endorses the status quo ... and why vote for that?
by Robert Nanninga
recently had the pleasure of attending a Green Party
gathering in Balboa Park. It was sort of a potluck information thing, complete
with dreadlocked drummers and organic grapes. Although it was smaller than
the organizers had hoped for, the forty people who attended were part of
a conversation about politics and responsibility. Political responsibility
- Wow! what a concept.
Of the comments that were made, two stand out
foremost in my mind. One of the drummers said that he never voted because
prayer was more effective in bringing about change. I had to restrain myself
from jumping to my feet screaming, "Wake up you fool, the planet is
being destroyed by corporate greed, and unless your prayers are being heard
by those setting policy, you are deluding yourself." Luckily, I retained
my cool. The Green movement is, after all, a philosophy that includes cultural
diversity - faith included.
I admit there is a power in prayer, but sadly
that power is not being translated into action. When the Spanish were conquering
the New World, they backed up their prayers with the sword. History has
proven this to be an effective strategy, time and time again. Please do
not misconstrue my intentions. I'm not saying we need to take up arms to
protect the planet... yet. What I am saying, however, is that we must pick
up the pen and the ballot, and do battle with the multinational corporations
currently buying Washington, lock, stock and barrel. Like it or not folks,
we are fighting a war of ideologies, profit versus preservation, and currently
the profiteers are kicking butt.
The other comment was made by a woman who wanted
us all to know she was a property owner. In addition, she said that since
human beings have always been controlled by dictators, we should stop fighting
and instead try to elect a benevolent dictator. This time all I wanted to
do was scream until my head exploded. Could someone please explain to me
how one elects a dictator? I am sorry, the last thing the world needs is
another dictator.
What we Americans need is a political system
that is open to all of the people, all of the time. Currently, this two-party
tango is a charade of democracy. Let's face it, Republicans and Democrats
are actually the same party, determined to protect the status quo at all
costs. If this means excluding alternative views, so be it. Bob Dole is
Ronald Reagan, who is Dan Quayle, who is Bill Clinton, who is Jimmy Carter,
who is... etc.
The mainstream media is committed to protecting
the power structure. This is evident in denying Ross Perot and other party
candidates such as the Green Party (Ralph Nader) and the Natural Law Party
(Dr. John Hagelin) a place at the debates. Ignoring the big picture, the
network pundits and the media elite question the need for other parties.
They also question the electability of alternative party candidates. Hello?
Censorship usually has a negative effect on campaigning.
Personally, I am sick and tired of hearing
the term "third party." Wake up America, it is time we embraced
the reality that we have at least 10 organized national parties. Ross Perot
is being used to slander the whole concept of moving beyond the two-party
monopoly and corporate control of Washington.
To be honest with you, I don't think the issue
is really the electability of Mr. Perot. Sure, Bob Dole will have some votes
siphoned off, but that's just surface stuff. Bill Clinton has much more
to lose if the debates are opened up. Can you imagine what would happen
if our boy Bill was forced to debate Ralph Nader? Haven't we been duped
by the "Good Cop-Bad Cop" routine long enough.
If things are to change, we must do two things.
First and foremost is to demand, not ask, for proportional representation.
This means getting rid of the electoral college, which was an idea that
worked in 1776, when only white male land owners could vote. Need I remind
people that things have changed? As things stand now, a person's vote holds
little weight. This has resulted in a decline in voter turnout. And that,
by the way, suits the Washington elites just fine.
Second, we have to address the fact that elected
officials are merely puppets of laissez faire capitalists, who have little
regard for the people they are exploiting. Since money is power, we need
to deny them money. Every dollar spent is a vote cast. Consumer boycotts
are an effective tool. Have a problem with Jesse Helms and the tobacco Industry
calling the shots in Washington? Boycott Nabisco (owned by R.J Reynolds).
How many Americans know that the cookie people are also the cancer people?
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the time for sweeping campaign reforms (see
propositions 208 and 212).
Currently, the people in power are trying to
convince us that there are no viable alternatives. I say there are. Why
keep in power the political machines that have saddled future generations
with an enormous debt, pollution, and enough weapons to destroy the planet
a hundred times over? Wouldn't it be a nice change of pace to have the men
and women of Congress talking about sustainability as opposed electability?
How about the vice president championing mass transit instead of mass communication?
Best yet, the President of the United States addressing over-population
in the same breath as overspending would signal a true shift in consciousness.
To bring about this change, we must start at
the local level. I will be voting this election with the future in mind.
For President, I am endorsing Green Party candidate Ralph Nader; campaign
financing reform is the foundation of his platform, and for that he gets
my vote. In the 51st district, Eric Bourdette of the Natural Law Party gets
my vote for his commitment to conflict-free politics and his party's promotion
of organically sustainable agriculture. Here in Encinitas, only one candidate
will receive my support. My bullet vote belongs to Sheila Cameron with her
head for business and her environmental heart.
You might disagree with my choices, but those
of you who follow my column know I do not take these matters lightly. I
encourage everyone to follow their heart when voting, not their wallet and
the politics of greed that has brought us to the precipice where we now
stand. To all of you who have decided not to vote, I say: undecide. A revolution
is in the process and we need your help to bring about the change future
generations need. If they are to have even half of what we have so recklessly
squandered, it's up to us to vote for it. Vote as if your child's life depends
on it. It does..
Robert Nanninga is an independent video producer, actor, vegan, active member of the Green and environmental communities, and a board member of San Diego Earth Day.