Christmas tree recycling: a recipe for making mulch
provided by the City of San Diego Dept. of Environmental Services
fter Christmas, thousands of Christmas trees will be
sliced, minced and diced into a rich mulch that makes a savory topping on
city parks, schoolyards and roadways. In the 24th annual Christmas Tree
Recycling Program, citizens can bring trees to any of 30 drop-off locations
throughout the city from December 27th, 1995 through January 16th, 1996.
"Our Christmas Tree Recycling Program is popular
because it offers citizens an easy and environmentally sensitive way to
dispose of their trees after the holidays," said City Environmental
Services Department Director Richard L. Hays. "Last year, over 124,000
holiday trees were diverted from the city landfill alone," Hays said.
Not only do the recycled Christmas trees save precious
landfill space, but also they provide an aromatic ground cover that reduces
soil erosion and deters weed growth. The mulch is available to the public
free of charge at the Miramar Landfill Greenery.
"Each year, many trees are carelessly - and illegally
- abandoned on city streets or dumped into canyons," said Environmental
Services Deputy Director Helen L. Heim. "With our 3 drop-off locations
this year, recycling them is really the most convenient way to dispose of
the trees," she said.
Trees should be brought to the drop-off sites during
daylight hours only, and should be free of all ornaments, tree stands, and
nails. Flocked trees (decorated with fake snow) cannot be recycled and will
not be accepted at the drop-off sites.
Recycling posters and flyers with complete drop-off
site listings will be posted at Christmas tree lots, retail outlets and
public libraries throughout San Diego.
Residents with curbside greenery recycling must cut
their trees into sections less than 4 feet in length and place them at the
curb with their regular greenery recycling.
San Diego's Regional Christmas Tree Recycling Program
is sponsored jointly by the City of San Diego Environmental Services Department
and I Love A Clean San Diego County, Inc. For more information, call the
I Love a Clean San Diego Recycling Hotline at (619) 467-0903 or 1-800-237-2583.