Table of Contents
- Happy anniversary to us!
Local Ecology
- Beyond Sprawl
- Sprawl is threatening to ruin the quality of life we have come
to take for granted. There are alternatives - if we have the will
Business & the Environment
- Celebrating with the earth: making a sustainable
& joyful season
- In this season of consumption of mass quantities, it may be that
what you consume is as important as how much.
- Making a new life: trial by fire and earth
- What would make a wealthy builder give it all up to pursue a vision
of free housing and true community living?
- Carol Lozito: artist and wildlife advocate
- This local artist's dramatic, brightly-colored paintings help emphasize
the plight of endangered specie worldwide.
- Christmas tree recycling: a recipe for making
- The City of San Diego makes it easy to Do the Right Thing.
San Diego Earth Day
- Earth Day Holiday Blowout SALE!
- Get some great stuff for gift-giving - or for yourself - and help
us with our environmental projects at the same time.
Gelder goes gold: special CD to benefit SDED
- KUPR DJ Jeff Gelder has arranged for profits from sales of a dynamite
new CD, available at all Wherehouse stores.
Join SDEDs new Youth Development Committee
- Kids seem to have a natural affinity for environmental issues.
If you work with kids, or would like to, consider joining the team.
Observations from the Edge
- "Y" is for yuletide
- Our local eco-radical takes a look at the true sources of Christmas
rituals and St. Nick, and how rank commercialism uses these icons.