Economics and Ecology
What I learned in the rainforest
The CEO of one of the world's largest electronic companies applies lessons from the natural world to business, competition and corporate responsibility.
Global Ecology
New evidence of global warming
Subsurface rocks preserve a record of temperatures over hundreds of years.
Demonstrating the benefits of biodiversity
A micro-ecology of algae and bacteria validate and demonstrate current beliefs in the importance of biodiversity.
Local Ecology
Alternative fuels for pollution reduction
Mobile test lab measures emissions in real-world urban environments. As expected, compressed natural gas is the big winner for low pollution.
Americans spending more dollars and days off to enjoy wildlife
Nearly 40 percent of U.S. adults spent $101 billion on wildlife-related pursuits in 1996.
Attend the Sustainable Building Symposium
Event set for Jan. 29 - Feb 1.
San Diego Earth Day
SDED becomes San Diego EarthWorks
Name change may improve recognition .... or not.
Make every day Earth Day in 1998
Volunteer meetings set for 1998.
Environmental Defense Fund exposes"sorry state" of plastics recycling
Plastics recycling is actually declining.
Diet & Health
Red wine's health benefits may be due in part to "estrogen" in grape skin
You didn't really think it was the alcohol, did you?
Eleven major chemical makers agree to health tests; some refuse
Observations from the edge
Wolves, altruism, and virtual ethics
Our resident eco-radical holds forth on the history and the money behind the anti-wolf lobby.
An open letter to future generations
In Your Garden: What's up with winter veggies?