Table of Contents
- After the flood
Global ecology: focus on coffee
- The History of a Cup of Coffee
- That cup of morning coffee is the end product of more environmentally
damaging processes than you would imagine, involving insecticides, metals
refining, fossil fuel production and use ... the list goes on. So sit back
with a cup and have a read.
Organic coffee: more than just a business with
- There are a number of companies starting to specialize in organic
coffee marketing. But few do it with the style and commitment of the folks
at this San Diego-based company.
- Growing coffee with a conscience
- Organic coffee tastes pretty much the same as non-organic. Why
bother? Well for your own health and the health of global ecosystems, for
starters. Find out what's happening in this expanding specialty market.
Wildlife preservation
- Raptors: maintaining nature's balance
- Birds of prey hold a special symbolic significance for us: majesty,
freedom, independence; we chose one as our national symbol. In the natural
world they serve a critical function, and provide us with an environmental
early warning system.
New collection program pays cash for used auto
- The City of San Diego's new program makes it easier than ever to
responsibly dispose of toxic auto wastes. A partnership between the City
and private businesses is the key.
- Piloting spaceship earth to a sustainable
- Local environmentalist Jim Bell is presenting a new course designed
to train participants in leading-edge thinking about creating an environmentally
sustainable future.
San Diego Earth Day
- Strong Earth, strong bodies
- SDED announces a new program aimed at raising consumer awareness
of ­p; and demand for ­p; organic produce. Sponsored by Mothers and
Others, this project is looking for volunteers ... any takers out there?
Observations from the edge
- "M" is for mitigation
- Mitigation must have been invented by a politician. Our resident
eco-radical has a few choice words about it.
- Factoids, infobits and eco-trivia