Table of Contents
- Paper chase
Local ecology
- Ocean water quality threats off San Diego
- Just when it seemed like it was safe to go back in the water, the
politicians are at it again. If Mr. Gingrich has his way, "stupid"
regulations allowing accountability for pollution of our beaches will be
A surfer's guide to surviving polluted water
- Whether you surf or not, there are some basic things you should
know before setting foot in the ocean. Here's to your health ...
- Surf contest will highlight the environment
- If the previous two articles weren't enough of a hint, surfers are
on the front line with respect to exposure to water-bourn pollution. Now,
a longboard surf competition adds an environmental message.
Where do the elephant seals go?
- Little has been known about the migratory habits of the seals and
sea lions. Now, researchers at Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute are discovering
some amazing things about these mammals we take for granted along our coasts.
Clean Water Act beached by Congress
- It looks like big business and big money have "put the fix
in" on the Clean Water Act. How else would you explain proposed legislation
requiring the government to pay polluters to stop?
- Sweeping retreat on environment forging ahead
in Washington, D.C.
- House bill HR9 would go a long way toward undoing a substantial
part of the environmental protections won in hard-fought battles of the
1970s and 1980s. It may have passed by the time you read this. We hope
San Diego Earth Day
- Do something today: volunteer for Earth Day
- This year marks the 25th anniversary of the first Earth Day, If
1990 is any indication, this event will again catalyze public attention
on the environment. You can play a part in making it an event to remember.
And find out about the grocery bag project.
Observations from the edge
'F' is for fertility
- Our eco-radical is concerned about our constant exposure to chlorine
compounds. Data from the field suggests an unexpected and unwanted solution
to the population problem.
Factoids, infobits and eco-trivia