Table of Contents
- Feedback: inspire us
Local ecology
- Green Up Your Earth toDay
- 10 things you can do to tread more lightly on the earth.
Home safe home
- Replace toxic products in your home with safe, effective alternatives.
Safe storage of toxic household products
- It you must use toxic products, keep them out of harm's way.
Special Focus on Politics and Activism
- Interview: Frances Moore Lapee and Paul Martin
- YIKES! Revitalization of our democracy through making politics fun.
- County resource protection battle moves forward
- Local politics in vintage form
- Natural Heritage and Quality of
Life Survey
- Take a stand for our county's environment and let the supervisors
- Saving the environment during a Republican
- Can cooperative alliances for the environment can work where "enemies"
and "big government" fail?
San Diego Earth Day
- Get involved with Earth Day - volunteer today
- San Diego Earth Day events are produced entirely by volunteers.
We'd like your participation - but you have to promise to have fun.
- Avoid parking hassles - use the EarthFair Shuttle
All species invited to joing the Earth
Day Parade
- Come march in the parade that opens EarthFair.
- EarthFair '96 Program Guide
- Your key to what's where in Balboa Park on Sunday, April 21.
Healing plants of Africa
- African ethnobotanist Dr. Anthony Andoh to speak.
- San Diego Earth Day presents ... the 1996
EARTH Awards
- Attend the awards ceremony on April 18th hosted by actor Ed. Begley
Forest Preservation
The dying of the trees
- Sad news: Throughout the country, trees are dying at unprecedented
- Cut waste, not trees
- We have the means to dramatically reduce wood consumption now.
- April calendar of Earth-Friendly Events
- Observations from the Edge: "O"
is for overpopulation