Table of Contents

Cover Photo: Ruwenzori Mountain fruit bat


Wildlife, chapter 2

Global Ecology

Educating a nation: The Natural Step
With all the dissension over how to manage the environment, author Dr. Karl-Henrik Robert has found a common ground that has mobilized Sweden. Is this a plan that will work here?

"That was when I became a slave"
Interview with Dr. Karl-Henrik Robert.


Bats: everything you know is wrong
With another round of Batmania hitting the silver screen, what better time to set the record straight about these wonderful creatures.

Diet & Health

Confessions of an ex-junk food junkie:stop food boredom
Shelly Frances Deegan shares more ways to eat healthy that won't drive you to the Twinkies.

Putting Earth Day on your menu
Out food choices have a more profound effect on the environment than any paper-or-plastic decisions.

Local Ecology

R. Buckminster Fuller centenary celebration
Fuller's impact goes beyond the invention of the geodesic dome. A week of special events celebrates his live and contributions.

San Diego Earth Day

YES!Fest '95 at Parent & Child Expo
This year's Youth Earth Saver's Festival will reach a broader audience by partnering with the Expo.

Phone card supports Earth Day groups
What a deal - control phone costs and support SDED, too.

Observations from the Edge

"B" is for breeding
Our resident eco-radical takes on the problem of over-population, and will probably offend just about everybody.