SDET October '97 Table of Contents


Cluck Cluck Cluck

Local Ecology

The flood next time...

We persist in building in flood plains while history shows that disaster in the form of 100-year storms is inevitable.

City set to reduce wetlands protections

The city is pressured by developers to minimize wetlands protections. Your help is needed to provide some pressure in the other direction.

Celebrate wildlife in October!

Take part in National Wildlife Refuge Week and San Diego Wildlife Day.

Protect the special nature of San Diego

Attend Sierra Club free community forum on critical habitats.


Living downstream

Convincing evidence shows that rising cancer rates are correlated with the massive introduction of man-made pollutants in the environment. And the evidence is being ignored.

Anthroposophic medicine: letting your body work for you

This little-known discipline stresses a balance between Western medical treatment and the body's natural healing process.

Fragrant environmental safety

In your garden

Wasps for caterpillar control? Are you kidding?

This basic lesson in beneficial insects shows how to let nature's natural predators do your dirty work for you.


Ready for adventure? Ready for science?

Observations from the edge

5.8 billion served

Our intrepid eco-activist has a conversation about consumption over dinner, of course.


New Think: the cartoon

October calendar of Earth-Friendly Events