Table of Contents
- New Times ahead
- City of San Diego takes the lead in "Green
- The Department of Environmental Services now occupies a 73,000 square
foot facility that was restored using state-of-the-art environmental materials
and controls. The result is a green building showcase and a big money
saver for the city.
Wildlife Preservation
- Animals in the red
- The World Conservation Union's new Red List of Threatened Animals
assesses the status of more than 5,200 species. The results show an alarming
number on the brink of extinction.
Diet and Health
- The healing power of food
- "Eat your vegetables!" Recent studies suggest that a well
crafted diet can prevent or stop many disease processes in the body, adding
weight to this age-old mother's admonition.
Pollution Prevention
- Pollution strikes La Jolla beaches
- It's bad enough that there's sewage in the sea water along our beaches.
Even worse, the city fails to warn beachgoers of the danger.
- The Politics of Pollution
- Our intrepid editor tried to get a straight story from the City
Council about what will be done to remedy the sewage system woes.
Local Ecology
- Who's Park is it? Let them know it's yours!
- We've got one last shot at stopping the city from turning over 250
rare public parking spaces and easy access to a popular beach in Mission
Bay Park to private development. If you care, attend the meeting on Nov
- Show how thankful you are to live in beautiful
San Diego
- Take part in San Diego Earth Day's 2nd annual Community Renewal
and Restoration Project
- SD Wildlife Day salutes native mammals and
- Project Wildlife hosts this day-long event, featuring animals, local
animal care organizations, gifts, refreshments and entertainment.
Observations from the Edge
- "Z" is for Zoo
- Our resident eco-radical takes a trip to the zoo. As usual, he sees
things a little differently that your average tourist.