Table of Contents
- Ckean up your room
- Measuring progress
- The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the most often quoted indicator
of how our country is doing. But how accurate is it, really? There are
some serious structural flaws in the GDP that can make bad times look good.
Some alternative indicators paint a different picture one that hits
a little closer to home.
- The truth about curbside recycling
- By employing a superficial look at the economics of curbside recycling,
it's easy for the vested interests to condemn it as a waste of time and
money. Our deeper look tells another story.
- From natural canyonlands to landfill - and
back again
- Hats off to the City of San Diego for a project that will restore
closed Miramar landfill sites with native plant species.
- Massage for the masses
- Recent years have seen an explosion in the practice of massage.
Find out about the many health benefits and the various types of amssage
available locally.
- Give the Earth a Gift
- Lest we be compared to Scrooge, most of us will take part in some
kind of gift giving this holiday season. We can use our purchasing dollars
to promote environmentally responsible businesses and give gifts that are
easy on the planet.
San Diego Earth Day
- Last chance!
- You have one more chance to volunteer for the 1996 SDED Community
Renewal and Restoration project. If you miss this one ... you'll have to
wait until 1997.
- New CD to benefit San Diego Earth Day
- The Collectors Edition Volume 2, now on sale at Wherehouse stores,
features some of today's hottest recording artists. And, all proceeds will
be donated to SDED. Can you say, "gift idea?"
Observations from the edge
- Big people, little gifts
- Our resident eco-radical dares to suggest that perhaps a little
gift of community service captures the spirit of the holiday season more
than the gift of a Salad Shooter (which, he asserts, is the work of the