by Julaine Chattaway
es, Sunday, December 8th will definitely be your last
chance this year to take part in San Diego Earth Day's Community Renewal
& Restoration Project.
Last month, hundreds of people showed their
commitment to a better environment by volunteering for the first three sites
of the Community Renewal & Restoration Project: Mission Trails Regional
Park, Torrey Pines State Beach and the Sherman Heights community. So far,
we have removed acres of non-native plants (like the sea fig and arundo
cane), removed an old erosion-causing fence, restored trails, picked up
more than 100 bags of trash, planted 19 trees, painted out graffiti, and
a lot more.
Together, new are making a difference! Please
join us for our final project of 1996: Florida Canyon in Balboa Park on
Sunday, December 8, from 10am to 3pm. We will be restoring trails, controlling
erosion, removing non-native plants, cleaning up trash ... and doing whatever
else needs to be done to preserve this local treasure.
We can come to your club or organization's
meeting to give a free environmental presentation that connects global issues
to local solution. To schedule a presentation, register to volunteer or
get more details, call our 24-hour info line: (619) 496-6666.
Tis' the Season ... to show your good will
through the generous gift of your time. Do it for yourself, for our community,
for our planet. Work with others to create a cleaner, greener, more healthy
San Diego.
Julaine Chattaway is project director of the Coummunity Restoration Proj.